Event and Casual Hire
We have extensive experience at catering for large or small events.
Hire one of our water trailers where guests can drink directly from four bubblers or they can fill their water bottle from the conveniently appointed taps. Click here to view pictures and more details.
If you don’t need a large trailer, we can also arrange for one or more water coolers and any amount of bottled water to be delivered and installed for events, expos, conferences and more. Packages are tailored to suit your specific requirements and start as low as $50.
Both options are a great, environmentally friendly choice for your event as there is no individual plastic bottle wastage. It’s also very cost effective!
Call Lena on 0414 234 378 or order online now.
Not sure if your event qualifies? Here’s some examples of events we have supplied for:
- Concerts (most recently we have supplied to: U2, Bon Jovi and Jack Johnson)
- Local Council Events (most recently: The Sydney Festival)
- Expos (such as at Sydney Exhibition Centre)
- Company Events (such as AGMs)
- Construction Sites
- And many more – just ask us!