Bottled water health benefits in Winter


Enjoy a healthy winter romance with spring water company, Tranquil Water. Now admittedly bottled water is not usually one of the first thoughts that springs to mind when contemplating colder weather. Thoughts usually turn more towards cozy heaters and open fires, steaming mugs of coffee or hot chocolate plus snuggling into toasty slippers. But with winter come many not so welcome ‘woolies’ like colds, … Read More

Natural spring water: the top drop


Oxygen and water: both are essential to human survival and both are naturally occurring. There is simply no substitute for water in its natural form. Yet there are plenty of modified options vying to become the quencher of choice for conscientious H20 drinkers.

Water for events: what a breeze


Water trailer for hire. These four little words should be banked at the forefront of every event organisers thoughts. After all, arranging water for events is more than a ‘nice to do’. It is success- and responsibility- critical. Fortunately Tranquil Water delivers festival water free from fuss. All wrapped up in a fully integrated portable solution – a water trailer for hire.

Drinking water fountains: refreshing


Drinking water trailers are awash with hydration benefits. Wherever there is a crowd there is thirst. So imagine the convenience and green cred of having free flowing drinking water fountains stationed handily at your event, festival or expo. Visitors will delight in being able to sip cool filtered water anytime they wish.

Water station on wheels


Throwing an event? Encourage your guests to drink up. We all need 2 litres of water per day, even if we are kicking up our heels at a busy event. So welcome your smart hydration station – a fully portable water trailer hired and delivered to your event by Tranquil Water. It has never been easier to put free drinking water on tap … Read More

Best price for bottled water guaranteed


What tastes better than pristine bottled water? Discount water bottles from Tranquil Water offer the most tantalizing drop you will find. Not only because Tranquil Water sources its bottled water from the pure springs of Kulnara National Park in NSW. But also because Tranquil Water will match or better the price of any other spring water companies across Australia. That means you need never … Read More

Event water trailers for all occasions


Water for events? Get yourself the smart solution on wheels. A wonderful event water trailer that allows your visitors to drink direct from four bubbling fountains. Or alternatively thirsty event-goers can “splash and dash” by filling up their own bottles with flawlessly filtered water on the run. Just watch how everyone flocks to the welcome event water trailer oasis.

Bottled water brilliance gets Sydney sipping


Seeking bottled water in Sydney? Sip no further than Tranquil Water. This 100 per cent Australian owned and operated bottled water company understands the modern needs H20 needs to satisfy. Here is your complete bottled water solution for refreshing, robust and easy to clean.

Inspired festival water hire


Drinking water fountain: the oasis of any event. Festivals are thirsty work. And no-one will tell you this more resoundingly than festival-goers. So if you are a festival organiser it is time to turn on the water works. Tranquil Water can help. We can hire you a water trailer complete with drinking water fountains.

Hire Water Trailer: Happy Hydrated Event


It is a simple equation really. Hydrated people have more energy, greater focus and improved alertness. So if you want patrons to fully engage in and enjoy your event – a water trailer is one smart move.